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Judge Silver receiving an award from former Sheriff Bill Young. She was recognized for all of her hard work and dedication as the Chief of the Special Victim's Unit of the District Attorney's Office in 2003.
Judge Silver with LVMPD Dare Officer Shane Gifford hand out awards at a 5th grade Elementary School Dare Graduation.
Judge Silver with LVMPD Dare Officer Shane Gifford with graduates of the 5th grade Elementary School Dare Graduation.

Judge Silver with LVMPD Dare Officer Shane Gifford with graduates of the 5th grade Elementary School Dare Graduation.
Judge Silver with LVMPD Dare Officer Shane Gifford with graduates of the 5th grade Elementary School Dare Graduation.
Judge Silver with LVMPD Dare Officer Shane Gifford with graduates of the 5th grade Elementary School Dare Graduation.

Judge Silver often speaks with various Senior Groups at Sun City
Judge Silver has appeared on �Face to Face� with Jon Ralston (shown with producer Dana Gentry) several times. Here, she is shown with guest defense attorney Kristina Wildeveldt Coneh, both experts in the area of criminal law.
Judge Silver�s logo for the race

Judge Silver�s formal Judicial Portrait for Las Vegas Municipal Court.
Judge Silver shown with the other Judges of the Las Vegas Municipal Court.
Judge Silver in Washington DC with the National Advisory Board for the Department of Justice at the White House.